Auto Casualty

2021 mPower Award Winner — Liberty Mutual

June 12, 2021
5 分钟阅读

每年,米切尔都会通过“mPower奖”表彰其合作伙伴之一,表彰他们在过去一年中所采取的创新和变革举措. 今年, 利宝互助银行因其大规模的票据管理业务改革而被选中,该改革旨在优化流程并实现一流的卓越运营.

Liberty Mutual first partnered with Mitchell almost two decades ago. As their needs began to grow, Liberty在2019年扩大了合作关系,为更大的任务做准备. This massive initiative which involved many hours, people and planning, 从而提高了效率,减少了接触,最终使Liberty的员工和客户受益. Mitchell’s Executive VP and GM of Casualty 亚博真人官方版APP, 尼娜史密斯, sat down with Liberty’s Senior Vice President, Field Operations, 医疗 & Special Investigation, Global Retail Markets U.S. 索赔, 琼关, 了解更多关于这一长期合作伙伴关系以及新举措对Liberty团队的影响. 

The Right Touch

For every business, the main goal is to keep customers satisfied. 对Liberty来说,他们知道客户最看重的是索赔处理速度. 利宝互助银行的团队向米切尔寻求亚博真人官方版APP,以优化他们的账单审查流程, 从而使他们的调整人员有更多的时间专注于对客户有意义的工作. In an interview with Smith, Guan explained that it is about “the right touch, for the right bills, so we can really have the best value for the customer.” This means pairing the right expertise and care with each bill. Liberty was able to significantly reduce cycle time, making the process better for both their adjusters and customers.”

portrait of 琼关

琼关, Liberty’s Senior Vice President, Field Operations, 医疗 & Special Investigation


Facing Challenges Along the Way

Of course, the road to bill review optimization was not easy. 琼关 and her team faced a few obstacles along the way. With an initiative as large-scale as this, 最大的挑战之一是在整个项目中考虑不同的依赖关系, including: IT, 规定, 工作流, and established processes. With so many moving parts it can be difficult to keep an entire team aligned. One of the biggest challenges they faced however, “确保变革管理真的是整个运营的头等大事吗?.“重要的是,关让她的人了解并了解每一步.

The Adjuster of the Future

Adjusters play a crucial role in the bill review process, as they are critical for bringing peace of mind and advocating for customers. As Guan puts it, “For the future, 我认为理算员将继续成为垂直索赔流程中的关键决策者. 然而, 不同之处在于,调整者(将有更多宝贵的时间)成为数据之间的整合者, IT, 工作流, and human decision making.” No matter how much we try to automate pieces of this process, 调节器在连接系统中是必不可少的,并提供所有重要的“人性化”.”

展望未来,调节器将成为“持续改进的引擎”,正如琼关所说的那样. 公司和行业严重依赖理算员,因为他们通常是索赔过程中的第一个接触点, and ultimately it is up to them to help improve processes.

online call on laptop screen

Short-Term Benefits, Long-Term Success

When asked what the greatest value of this initiative is for Guan and her team, 她解释说,米切尔扩展的生态系统和深厚的专业知识非常重要,尤其是在当今不可预测的气候下. “We leverage the global capacity from Mitchell, to help us recover [from challenges] faster,” explains Guan. Aside from having a Mitchell support team, 关建中说 that long term, 她希望Liberty和Mitchell能继续合作,共同创新.

For the future, 我认为理算员将继续成为垂直索赔流程中的关键决策者. 然而, 不同之处在于,调整器将有更多宝贵的时间作为数据之间的积分器, IT, 工作流, and human decision making.

A Piece of Advice

今天,许多其他的运营商在他们的团队中也面临着同样的挑战,他们不知道从哪里开始. 关的建议是,简单地从问“我们需要解决的业务问题是什么??” Once those are identified, a transparent conversation with the partnership team is a critical next step. 关建中说, “With any large-scale transition something will go wrong, and that’s okay… but we have the trust, the relationship, and the commitment to resolve it together.她表示,如果没有这种透明度和信任,米切尔和自由的团队就会像“一个团队”一样工作,” this initiative would not have been as successful as it was. Lastly, Guan offers up her biggest piece of advice—“Change management! Change Management! Change Management!拥有一个强大的变更管理计划来支持团队完成如此大的转变是关键.

With any large-scale transition something will go wrong, and that’s okay… but we have the trust, the relationship, and the commitment to resolve it together.

An Exemplar of the mPower Award Spirit

尽管在整个旅程中,两支球队都面临着无数的障碍和挑战, the payoffs for Liberty were invaluable. 最后, 他们实现了为调节器释放产能的目标,从而为客户创造更有意义的价值. 另外, 他们注意到Liberty数字产品的采用率越来越高,因为他们继续推动“数字第一”的发展,为客户提供现代化的理赔体验. Liberty的成功体现了mPower奖项的精神,即承担创新项目,为我们所服务的人带来改变. On behalf of the entire Mitchell team, we congratulate Liberty on this award, and look forward to our continued partnership. 

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